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Plan and collaborate on events with your group

GroupCalendar helps you organize your friends, colleagues, movie lovers, concert goers, and everyone in between into private groups so that you can plan upcoming events together.
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GroupCalendar sample screenshot
Promotional Image - Screenshot of GroupCalendar New Event page with some fields filled out and Start Date field Datepicker widget open


GroupCalendar makes it easy to plan upcoming events with the calendar date selection tool that shows conflicting events in your other groups.

"We can be heroes."

— David Bowie, on planning a costume party
Promotional Image - Screenshot of GroupCalendar View Event page showing the Comments and Attendees sections


All group members can leave comments and set their attendance status on events. GroupCalendar also features robust notifications, so you can get quick feedback on your events.

"Stop, collaborate and listen."

— Vanilla Ice, on working together to plan great events
Promotional Image - Screenshot of 'Select an Image' popup modal used on New Event page. The popup includes a grid of images that can be selected


Make your event stand out with customizable header images and beautifully designed PDF flyers available for each event.

"Hey, Good Lookin'"

Try GroupCalendar Today

The Demo mode of GroupCalendar will log you into a random test account so that you can try out the app today. Demo accounts can create events, set their attendance status, and comment on events in their demo groups. Some functionality including email notifications are disabled for the demo.

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